Innovating research and establishing standards for the future.


Veteran Service Dogs Organization (VSDO) is dedicated to improving the lives of U.S. Military Veterans by advancing the research, development, and training of service animals. Through our pioneering efforts in research and development (R&D), our mission partners provide research participants (Veterans) with service dogs that are specifically trained to meet their individual needs and help manage a wide range of physical and mental health challenges.

Founded with a vision to enhance the well-being of Veterans, VSDO is more than just a service dog training researcher. We are leaders in research and innovation, continually refining the training processes to ensure that every service dog is equipped to handle the complex needs of their Veteran partner.


Our mission is to lead the field in research and development of efficient and effective training methods for service animals, designed to meet the complex needs of our Veterans. At the core of our mission is the integration of Veterans into the research process, where the training provided to service dogs is solely a product of our ongoing R&D efforts. Through these initiatives, we are continually expanding the range of disabilities addressed—including PTSD, TBI, Panic Disorders, Physical Disabilities, Bipolar Disorder, Seizures, Diabetes, and other conditions identified through research—while also developing new tools and equipment to enhance the training process.

Our development work fine-tunes and personalizes training methods to be more effective, efficient, and tailored to each Veteran's unique needs, while also establishing a baseline from prevailing data and trends. In addition, we are committed to sharing our research findings with other non-profit organizations that provide service dog training for Veterans, fostering collaboration and greater progress in the field.


At Veteran Service Dogs, research is at the heart of everything we do. Every service dog trained by our mission partners is part of an evolving research process, where we focus on improving not only the efficiency of training but also the effectiveness of service animals in supporting Veterans.
We work tirelessly to develop new training techniques that address the growing and evolving needs of Veterans. By integrating Veterans directly into our research, we ensure that every aspect of the training process is tailored to their unique challenges.
Our R&D doesn’t stop at training methods—we are also focused on creating tools and equipment that enhance the training experience for both Veterans and service dogs, making the process more effective and efficient.
We establish baselines for service dog training that reflect the prevailing needs and statistical data from our research, allowing us to customize training to meet individual needs while setting a high standard for service animal care.


VSDO is committed to sharing our research beyond our own organization. We collaborate with other non-profit organizations that share our mission of helping Veterans. By making our research available to others, we help drive progress across the entire field of service animal training, ensuring that more Veterans can benefit from the latest innovations and methods.


In addition to our collaboration with other organizations, we believe strongly in educating the public. We actively share what we learn to raise awareness about the needs of Veterans and their service dogs, and to ensure that the public is informed about the best ways to interact with service dogs in public spaces.

Through our educational initiatives, we aim to:

  • Inform the public about the proper way to interact with Veterans and their service dogs.
  • Raise awareness about the rights and protections service animals and their handlers are afforded under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).
  • Promote a better understanding of the unique challenges Veterans face, helping to create a more supportive and inclusive community.


We aim to transform the field of service animal training for Veterans. As we continue to refine our methods and discover new ways to enhance service animal training through research, we are committed to expanding our impact.

By collaborating with other organizations, educating the public, and fostering innovation, we believe that we can create a brighter future where every Veteran has access to the support they need through a highly trained service animal.